Māmari completed an MA (Distinction) in Classical Studies, BA (Hons), and an LLB (Hons) at Victoria University. She then spent three and a half years at Russell McVeagh in Wellington working in the Māori legal team in the Corporate Advisory Group, latterly concentrating on ACC law.
Māmari has been with the Faculty of Law at Victoria University of Wellington since January 2006 and, with Assistant Professor Mary Boyce of the University of Hawai'i, runs the Legal Māori Project. The outputs of this project are available free online at www.legalmaori.net.
Her primary research interests are law and language, Māori and the New Zealand legal system, and social security law. She is currently working on a social security law textbook to be published by Thomson Reuters. This book is also being supported by a grant from the Law Foundation.
Research Interests
- The use of Māori language in legal contexts
- Māori and the New Zealand legal system
- NZ legal history and jurisprudence
- Social Security law (including ACC law)
- Criminal Law
- Treaty of Waitangi