NPM research solves real world challenges facing Māori. We do so in Māori-determined and inspired ways engendering sustainable relationships that grow the mana (respect and regard) and mauri (life essence) of the world we inhabit. Use the filters below to search our research
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  • Te Arawa Research Showcase: Dr Kepa Morgan

    Dr Kepa Morgan's (BE, MBA, PhD, CPEng, FIPENZ ) bi-cultural background is rooted in his cultural identity as Ngāti Pikiao of Te Arawa. During his engineering career Kepa has strengthened his understanding of Pikiaoanga while also striving for excellence both professionally and academically.

  • Te Arawa Research Showcase: Dr Tepora Emery

  • Te Arawa Research Showcase: Heddell Raerino

  • Te Arawa Research Showcase: Hiria McRae

    Hiria McRae is the programme facilitator for Whakapiki i te Reo ki Ako Pai for the Ministry of Education. Her current research includes being project director for “Evaluation Research on the Development of Marautanga ā kura with Whānau, Iwi and Kura” for the Ministry of Education and "Māori student success – A Te Arawa Case Study”, for the Te Arawa Researchers group, ‘Te Ara a Ihenga’.

  • Te Arawa Research Showcase: Tariana Tahana

  • This project draws together in digital form taonga exchanged during European voyages to Polynesia between 1765 and 1840. The digital format helps increase knowledge of the collections and reconnects iwi with their taonga held in archives and museums worldwide.

    Project commenced: